Hotel "Vet House"
Allow yourself a rest without worry for your four-legged friend! We are waiting for you at any time!
At the Vet House Pet Hotel, we will ensure the safety of pets, patient and friendly attitude towards them, walks and games, attention and control, proper feeding and care, as well as comfortable living conditions.
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We invite you to visit our hotel! See everything with your own eyes. To get acquainted with our veterinarians and with “zoonoses” - after all, these are the people whom you should entrust your pet to. In addition, you can choose the size of the room and make sure that we do not just fulfill all the terms of the contract, but we love our work and our four-legged guests!
One of the main advantages of the hotel is the fact that it is located on the same territory as a round-the-clock hospital, with qualified personnel who not only knows how to properly care for animals, but will also come to the rescue if necessary.
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