Veterinary assistant

Veterinary Assistant Courses

A doctor's assistant who knows how to work quickly and efficiently is always needed!

In the field of veterinary medicine, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel. The personnel trained on the basis of the "Vet House" clinic is in demand in all veterinary clinics on the territory of Georgia.

During the training, students will be given the basic knowledge and skills necessary for the work of a modern assistant veterinarian. The training program includes theoretical and practical lessons. The focus is on practice. Classes are held according to an individual program. A course of lectures is given, practical exercises are held with patients. At the end of the course, an exam is conducted and a certificate is issued.

What are the responsibilities of an assistant veterinarian?

The veterinarian's assistant helps the veterinarian to prevent and treat animal diseases, monitor the health of animals. He performs sanitary and veterinary procedures.

Students from 15 years old are accepted for the course. Veterinary education is optional!

Who is the course for?

  • Applicants who plan to study veterinary medicine Students who want hands-on experience People who help stray animals Volunteers and shelter staff

Our course includes the knowledge that every person dealing with animals should have. From simple procedures to serious care for a sick animal!

Course lecturer: Valeria Lugina, veterinarian, visual diagnostician at the Vet House clinic.

Curator of the practical part:

Lili Robakidze: veterinarian, dermatologist;

Valeria Lugina: veterinarian, visual diagnostician at the Vet House clinic.

Course curator: Sali Gigiadze

Course duration: 1.5 months (6 days of lectures   7 days of practice   1 day of exam)

Course cost: 1500 GEL (0% installment plan from TBC Bank)

Language: Georgian / Russian.


Course program

1. Lecture

    Asepsis and antiseptics Clinical examination of the animal Fundamentals of zoopsychology

2. Lecture

    Fixation of an animal for diagnostics and procedures

3. Lecture

    Intubation Vein catheterization Bladder catheterization

4. Lecture

    Routes of administration of medicines Testing, labeling, storage and transportation Measurement of glycemia (amount of sugar in the blood)

5. Lecture

    Preparing the patient for surgery Postoperative care Patient monitoring, filling out the card Guidelines for the treatment of sutures, wounds and drains

6. Lecture

    Inpatient care rules
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